Write for Solvable!


Solvable is dedicated to helping people solve their debt and provide support during scary times of financial crisis. We specialize in helping Americans understand and solve their IRS/State tax debt and credit card debt.

We are always looking for partners to help us in our mission. If you are knowledgeable in the areas of debt resolution or related subjects, we invite you to to apply to be a guest poster on Solvable!

Here are a few topics we are looking for –

  • Personal Debt Free Journeys
  • IRS Letter & Forms
  • Small Business Taxes & SBA Loans
  • Personal Finance For Freelancers


Why Guest Post for Solvable?

  • Help Americans defeat their debt! The average debtor carries $6,800 in credit card debt and/or $16,850 in tax debt
  • Reach a new audience! You can expect your words to be read by thousands of people – on average our visitor count is 20,000/month
  • Get a linkback to your website and mentions on social media
  • Join Solvable’s community of writers and our shortlist for future paid writing opportunities
Topics You're Interested in Writing About

Guest Posting Process

Guest Post Guidelines

Think you have something to write about? We try to let you do your thing but here are a few guidelines we ask of our contributors -
  • Minimum word count - 1000 words
  • Submissions must be formatted and include a title and an accompanying image. We also ask you provide a photo of yourself and short bio.
  • No self-promotion within your piece beyond basic details - you will have your own author bio, social links and link back to your property.
  • Share each article on at least one social platform.
  • All stats, figures, quotes, must be cited or attributed properly.
  • No more than 3 outbound links per article.
  • Original content only, written in coherent, grammatically correct English